Why Choose Four-Wheel Drive Wheel Type Mucking Loaders?

Wheel type mucking loaders used in mines, tunnels, and other underground environments generally operate on rough and challenging terrain. In addition to uneven roads, they may encounter various obstacles such as rocks, debris, and muddy areas.

Four-wheel drive (4WD) systems have a more complex structure, with all four wheels rotating to provide traction. While heavier, they are better suited for navigating uneven ground. Additionally, 4WD loaders typically have a higher ground clearance, enhancing their off-road capability.

A crucial advantage of 4WD is the presence of differential locks, which allow all four wheels to rotate at the same speed. This ensures that even on extremely uneven surfaces, at least two wheels will maintain traction. However, due to power circulation, 4WD vehicles tend to consume more fuel and experience faster tire wear.

Compared to two-wheel drive (2WD) models, 4WD wheel type mucking loaders excel in handling harsh conditions such as icy, snowy, or muddy roads. Even if one or two wheels get stuck, the remaining wheels can easily pull the loader out.

Therefore, wheel type mucking loaders typically employ a hybrid diesel-electric 4WD system with a power range of 12-15 KW. Electric braking is utilized to save fuel, reduce noise during operation, and promote environmental friendliness and cost-effectiveness.

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Add: No. 48, Liancheng avenue, Jiuhua Industrial Park, Jiuhua Economic Zone, Xiangtan City, Hunan, P.R,China

Phone:86 17369222201


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